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It all started WITH A WORD WE THOUGHT OF BACK IN 2013…


We define it as…

An individual’s determination to define and pursue their best life through action, discipline, and risk.

To overcome challenges with positivity, have confidence in the future, and to proactively dream and seek life’s possibilities.

To influence others to Hyperexist.

Explore | Learn | Inspire

Explore the Unknown

This word has resonated with us since then and for a long time, it is the word that we have been living by to help us and others accomplish goals despite setbacks and the unknown. From recovering from giving up and closing a business we founded back in 2009, to taking on the challenges of marriage, to traveling the world, to feeling lost in life, to trying to fill a void in our lives from coming from broken families, to fulfilling our 10-year dream of moving to NYC, to jumping into parenthood, to maintaining and starting new relationships, to many sacrifices to excel in the corporate world, to strategically purchasing and innovating our real estate investments, to managing health conditions, to conquering and juggling bicoastal living, this word has been with us. 

Life is all about taking risks and moving forward with actions and discipline; so to continue to reach “our best life” we decided to once again put aside our fears and with our gained knowledge and experiences these past 6 years to take on entrepreneurship once more.

We introduce to you HYPEREXIST, a lifestyle company venturing to explore the unknown and to leave a positive impact in the world as we continue to define ourselves in the vastness of the world.