Part 2: Behind the scenes of a bicoastal lifestyle: Financials and Freedom. 

The key to living bicoastal is to have a flexible way of generating income. Your ability to earn can’t be fixed to one location. The nomadic lifestyle can be more costly, but with some cost-cutting and setting up your revenue streams effectively, it is possible to live bicoastal without significantly increasing your budget. 

Our path was to first focus on our careers and work for companies that would eventually allow us to work remotely. This gives us the freedom to live and work anywhere we have a laptop & internet. 

Next, we focused on investing in our future. Although this was a stressful and difficult process, and we were tempted to buy a “forever home”, we stayed the course and purchased a multi-unit investment property by the beach and turned it into vacation rentals. This gives us a reliable passive income that supplements our addition to many DIY projects and new obstacles. 

Now we are putting our creativity, experience, and work ethic to use to start a new venture; Hyperexist. Our goal is to simplify adventure, explore the unknown, and inspire every adventurer...while becoming self-employed. Entrepreneurship has always been a passion for us since childhood. So we are pushing forward with our dreams & hoping this plan will make us bicoastalers for life. 

If interested in the nomadic life, consider looking for a remote position, investing in opportunities that generate passive income that will give some freedom from relying solely on an employer, and/or being self-employed. These options will create new hurdles for you, but the freedom you gain is well worth the struggle. Enjoy creating your expedition & always remember to Hyperexist.

Stay tuned for...

Setting up two different households. 

Keeping both households stocked. 

Planning travel cadence, flights, and transportation. 

The financial cost and ways to save. 

Social cost (the fear of missing out).

The details and decisions.

What we now love about bicoastal life.