Part 1: Behind the Scenes of a Bicoastal Lifestyle

Part 1: Behind the scenes of a bicoastal lifestyle    

What’s your reason? 

The first thing we recommend doing is defining your purpose and reasons for living bicoastal. Even though this lifestyle is fun and adventurous, it can also be very stressful, difficult, and exhausting. By having a clear intent you will overcome the pitfalls and stresses of this nomadic life. 

As we have conversed with others, from acquaintances to strangers, about our bicoastal lifestyle, we have noticed that people's faces instantly light up. They immediately say, “wow, isn't that the dream.” Early on in our journey we would just smile and nod, but in the back of our minds we would think, “if you only knew what we were going through.” But we had to persevere and stay positive because this was our dream, and not all dreams are immediately happy endings. 

This was our dream since 2015 after leaving NYC back to CA to accept a promotion. We were eager to achieve our bicoastal goal but little did we know the challenges waiting ahead. But just like any well-earned win, there is plenty of hardship before you get there. It actually took us about a year to feel settled in our new life and reap the benefits. 

Our story might be different from other bicoastalers since we had to run a business in CA and moved into an extremely tiny and problematic apartment at its every inch in NYC (more on this later). Which we actually now love. 

There are many ways to do this, and you can find your own unique way. If you are interested in this lifestyle, we encourage you to use our story as a guide to creating your own expedition and Hyperexist. 

Stay tuned for...

Financials and freedom. 

Setting up two different households. 

Keeping both households stocked. 

Planning travel cadence, flights, and transportation. 

The financial cost and ways to save. 

Social cost (the fear of missing out).

The details and decisions.

What we now love about bicoastal life. 

James LoweryComment